
RSV Vaccination

Respiratory syncytial virus – RSV is a common cause of coughs and colds; it usually gets better by itself but can be serious in babies and older adults.

From 1st September adults between the ages of 75-80 years of age and pregnant woman from 28 weeks are eligible to have the RSV vaccination.

For further information please see the below link:

Ampthill Core Pilates

Pregnancy and Post Natal Pilates can help regain and maintain abdominal and pelvic floor muscles during and after pregnancy. This group helps you to maintain and gain fitness as well as meeting other mums.

Facebook: @ampthillcorepilates


Baby Buddy App

Baby Buddy is an award winning mobile phone app for new parents and parents-to-be, created by mums, doctors and midwives.

Download from: Google Play: Baby Buddy

Download from: iTunes: Baby Buddy

Bedford Hospital

The maternity services at Bedford Hospital are located in Cygnet Wing, our dedicated Women and Children’s unit. Our friendly midwifery and obstetric team are always on hand to ensure our patients always have the best possible experience before, during and after pregnancy.

Telephone: 01234 795747


Bedford Pregnancy Yoga Classes

A pregnancy yoga class is a safe, non judgemental, friendly atmosphere for a
mum-to-be to focus on both body and mind.

Telephone: 07769697609

